Kensington House Antiques and Sterling Silver Kensington House
All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Sterling : Pre 1920 item #1339912
Kensington House Antiques
A figural corkscrew in the form of an equestrian boot by the R Blackinton Co. of N Attleboro, MA. The boot is nicely detailed to appear like textured leather. The corkscrew/opener is silverplated steel for strength. The boot is fully hallmarked on the bottom.

Origin: America, ca. 1915. Condition: good, three small creases to the sides of the boot (not particularly noticeable since the boot is designed to have a well-worn appearance with lots of creases), and some typical plating loss to the opener. Dimensions: 3-3/4” tall.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Sterling : Pre 1910 item #1339435
Kensington House Antiques
A superb Victorian Art Nouveau baby rattle, the handle carved from a large piece of mother-of-pearl and adorned on either side with a gorgeous Art Nouveau lady's head worked in sterling silver and finished with three silver bells. Although unsigned, the particulars of the design are very similar to a known Unger design. Marked "Sterling".

Origin: America, ca. 1895. Condition: excellent except for the bells which show considerable wear from a toothing child. Size: 4-1/2" long.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1338018
Kensington House Antiques
An elegant first standard (950/1000 pure silver) French silver tastevin in typical 18th century Burgundian style. Rather than with the typical "perles" and fluted "godrons", the bowl of this tastevin is decorated with repousse grape leaves and berries in the 18th century style. This treatment is sometimes seen in tastevins made by Parrod, but the particular decoration is different than any other we've seen. Similarly, the handle, in the form of two duck heads grasping an apple is a very exaggerated variation of the usual form seen on tastevins from Lyon. The base is fully hallmarked and has an unidentified silversmith's mark "M tête grec D".

Origin: France, ca. 1850. Condition: excellent. Dimensions: 3-3/16" diameter (excluding handle). Weight: 72.3 grams.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1332897
Kensington House Antiques
A lovely first standard (950/1000) silver tastevin, the bottom inset with a 1658 silver coin depicting the youthful image of Louis XIV surrounded by text translated as "Louis XIV, by grace of God, King of France and Navarre." The sides of the tastevin a decorated with clusters of grapes and elegantly curved godrons in the style typical of Orfevre Parrod. Coin inserts, however, are unusual in Parrod tastevins. The handle is worked in a simplified snake motif typical of Dijon. The handle is stamped with Parrod's hallmark.

Origin: France, ca. 1850. Dimensions: 2-9/16" diameter (excluding handle). Weight: 59.3 gr.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1325776
Kensington House Antiques
A classic 19th century French 2nd standard (900/1000 pure silver) tastevin, inset at the base with a 1702 coin bearing the likeness of King Louis XIV surrounded by the legend translated as "Louis XIV by grace of god King of France and Navarre." The bowl of the tastevin is finished with the typical arrangement of "perles" and elongated "godrons" designed to create reflections in the wine to better judge its color and clarity. The handle is formed from a pair of intertwined snakes grasping an apple in their mouths, an allusion to the Garden of Eden. The handle is stamped with appropriate French hallmarks and with an unidentified master's mark.

Origin: France, ca. 1850. Condition: excellent, a few extremely minor nicks at the rim. Dimensions: 2-13/16" diameter (excluding handle). Weight: 58.1 grams.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Brass : Pre 1910 item #1306277
Kensington House Antiques
A fun pressed brass picture frame in the form of an early automobile. The frame is cleverly designed with vanishing point perspective to appear three dimensional. Apparently, it was originally a desk calendar and the original calendar inserts from 1907 have been used as a backing for the current photograph.

Origin: America, 1907. Condition: excellent. Dimensions: 3-1/8” x 2-3/8”.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Bronze : Pre 1910 item #1306275
Kensington House Antiques
A delightful bronze dresser mirror, the entire frame ornately decorated in the form of two Pierrot figures and a smiling man-in-the-moon. Pierrot was a originally a Comedia dell’Arte character, but in the 18th century, he and the moon became inextricably linked in the French children’s song, “Au Claire de la Lune.” There are a few variations of this mirror; this is the most ornate, with the intricately beveled glass. The detailing of the figures is excellent.

Origin: France, ca. 1900. Condition: excellent, all original; the glass has very light tarnishing typical of old silvered mirrors. Dimensions: 4-3/4” x 8-1/2”.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1301125
Kensington House Antiques
A classic 19th century French silver tastevin of traditional form and the bottom inset with a silver coin from the reign of Louis XV. The sides of the tastevin are decorated with the traditional raised "perles", recessed "cupules" and elgongated "godrons" for viewing the depth of color in a wine. The coin, dating to 1734, depicts the profile of the king surrounded by the legend "Louis XV, by grace of God, king of France and Navarre." The obverse of the coin, with sharp detail, can be seen from the bottom of the tastevin. The taster is completed with a handle in the form of a pair of snakes grasping an apple. In this example, the snakes' heads are shaped somewhat like ducks' heads, a characteristic of a certain group of tastevins from the Burgundy region. Stamped with an unknown maker's mark with the initials "EE".

Origin: France, ca. 1880. Condition: excellent, sharp detail to the tastevin, typical wear to the front of the coin. Dimensions: 3-1/4" x 4-1/8" x 7/8". Weight: 82.0 grams.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1258288
Kensington House Antiques
A delightful early 19th century French silver tastevin featuring a 1770 Louis XV coin and a wonderfully decorated handle. The handle decoration depicts a man seated atop a wine barrel grasping a wine bottle in one hand and a Cupid's arrow in the other. The design is completed with the legend "Vive l'amour et le vin" ("Long live love and wine."). This type of handle was developed in the early 1700s and was used mostly in the Burgundy region. The use of real silver coins as a decorative element is seen in tastevins dating from the mid-1700s onwards. The handle is stamped with 19th century hallmarks.

Origin: France, ca. 1840. Condition: excellent; 2 pinpoints to the bowl and a slight ding along the edge opposite the handle. Dimensions: 3-1/4 x 4-1/4 x 7/8 inches. Weight: 95.0 grams.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Bronze : Pre 1900 item #1243896
Kensington House Antiques
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An absolutely delightful bronze calling card tray, the center designed with a small frog atop a traditional baroque-style wave. The top edge of the dish has a wonderful scene of four frogs riding big-wheel bicycles along a road. They have quite good balance, as all have their arms crossed. The lead frog is even smoking a pipe. Road markers reading “2Km” and “3Km” mark their progress. The frog and bicycle design was taken directly from a J & P Coats thread company advertisement used on trade cards in the 1880s. More than likely, the tray was designed to be used to hold the cards in an exclusive Parisian dressmaker’s or tailor’s shop.

Origin: France, ca. 1885. Condition: excellent; original patina; sharp details. Dimensions: 7-1/2 x 4-1/4 in.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1236329
Kensington House Antiques
A very attractive French silver (1st standard=950/1000 pure silver) tastevin, the bottom inset with a 1785 silver coin showing the bust of King Louis XVI. This tastevin departs slightly from the traditional form, with the fluted “godrons” placed immediately around the coin and the sides finished with very nice repousse decoration of grapes, vines and leaves. The tastevin is finished with a single coiled snake handle. Tastevins set with royal coins seem to have been popular during various times in the 19th century when France was ruled over by a king or emperor. Tastevins with Louis XVI coins are not often encountered, however. The tastevin is stamped with French silver marks and with an unidentified master silversmith mark.

Origin: France, ca. 1860. Condition: excellent. Dimensions: 7.9 x 10.5 cm (3-1/8 x 4-1/8 in). Weight: 105.4 gr.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1236326
Kensington House Antiques
A very attractive late 19th century first standard (950/1000 pure silver) wine taster by Parisian silversmith Louis Coignet. The tastevin is decorated in the Bourgogne style with an applied handle in snake form. The serpent is beautifully decorated with engraved scales and eyes. The sides are enhanced with repousse and chased decoration of grape clusters and vine leaves. This example is classic form, but has a very steep convex bottom and no “godrons” or “perles” along the sides. These adjustments to the style suggest the tastevin was specifically intended for use with white wines.

Origin: France, 1889-1893. Condition: excellent, sharp detail. Dimensions: 3 x 4-1/16 in. Weight: 70.5 gr.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1234925
Kensington House Antiques
A classic 19th century French silver tastevin of traditional form by master silversmith Alexandre Vauger. This example is of small size, intended for use in evaluating cognac, Armagnac or calvados instead of wine. Unlike the “perles” and “godrons” found on the walls of a wine taster, a cognac taster more accurately reflects the liquid’s color using a smooth surface. Similarly, cognac tasters are smaller than wine tasters because the alcohol is considerably stronger and a smaller taste is more appropriate. The bottom of the interior features a partial image of Hercules flanked by female figures representing “Liberty” and “Equality” that once appeared on the 5-franc coin of the Third Republic. The back of the coin, dated 1873, is visible on the bottom of the tastevin. The taster is finished with a classic engraved double serpent handle, the heads grasping the apple of temptation.

Accomplished French silversmiths prided themselves on the ability to raise an entire tastevin from a single 5-franc coin, using only hammers and a few other hand tools to thin, spread and shape the flat coin into a finished tastevin. Only a handful of masters were capable of raising the tastevin with the words “DIEU PROTEGE LA FRANCE” (“God protect France”), originally found around the outer edge of the coin, still visible along the top edge of the tastevin. The last silversmith proven to have mastered this skill stopped working in 1968.

This tastevin is stamped with French silver hallmarks and has the master silversmith’s mark for Alexandre Vauger, who worked in Paris 1884-1887.

Origin: France, 1884-87. Condition: excellent. Dimensions: 48 x 66 mm (1-7/8 x 2-5/8 in). Weight: 30.9 grams.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1234924
Kensington House Antiques
A classic 19th century French silver tastevin of traditional form by master silversmith Alexandre Vauger. This example is of small size, intended for use in evaluating cognac, Armagnac or calvados instead of wine. Unlike the “perles” and “godrons” found on the walls of a wine taster, a cognac taster more accurately reflects the liquid’s color using a smooth surface. Similarly, cognac tasters are smaller than wine tasters because the alcohol is considerably stronger and a smaller taste is more appropriate. The bottom of the interior features a partial image of Hercules flanked by female figures representing “Liberty” and “Equality” that once appeared on the 5-franc coin of the Third Republic. The back of the coin, dated 1873, is visible on the bottom of the tastevin. The taster is finished with a classic engraved double serpent handle, the heads grasping the apple of temptation.

Accomplished French silversmiths prided themselves on the ability to raise an entire tastevin from a single 5-franc coin, using only hammers and a few other hand tools to thin, spread and shape the flat coin into a finished tastevin. Only a handful of masters were capable of raising the tastevin with the words “DIEU PROTEGE LA FRANCE” (“God protect France”), originally found around the outer edge of the coin, still visible along the top edge of the tastevin. The last silversmith proven to have mastered this skill stopped working in 1968.

This tastevin is stamped with French silver hallmarks and has the master silversmith’s mark for Alexandre Vauger, who worked in Paris 1884-1887.

Origin: France, 1884-87. Condition: excellent. Dimensions: 48 x 66 mm (1-7/8 x 2-5/8 in). Weight: 30.5 grams.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1234156
Kensington House Antiques
A classic 19th century French silver tastevin of traditional form by master silversmith Alexandre Vauger. This example is of small size, intended for use in evaluating cognac, Armagnac or calvados instead of wine. Unlike the “perles” and “godrons” found on the walls of a wine taster, a cognac taster more accurately reflects the liquid’s color using a smooth surface. Similarly, cognac tasters are smaller than wine tasters because the alcohol is considerably stronger and a smaller taste is more appropriate. The bottom of the interior features a partial image of Hercules flanked by female figures representing “Liberty” and “Equality” that once appeared on the 5-franc coin of the Third Republic. The back of the coin, dated 1876, is visible on the bottom of the tastevin. The taster is finished with a classic engraved double serpent handle, the heads grasping the apple of temptation.

Accomplished French silversmiths prided themselves on the ability to raise an entire tastevin from a single 5-franc coin, using only hammers and a few other hand tools to thin, spread and shape the flat coin into a finished tastevin. Only a handful of masters were capable of raising the tastevin with the words “DIEU PROTÉGÉ LA FRANCE” (“God protect France”), originally found around the outer edge of the coin, still visible along the top edge of the tastevin. The last silversmith proven to have mastered this skill stopped working in 1968.

This tastevin is stamped with French silver hallmarks and has the master silversmith’s mark for Alexandre Vauger, who worked in Paris 1884-1887.

Origin: France, 1884-87. Condition: excellent. Dimensions: 48 x 66 mm (1-7/8 x 2-5/8 in). Weight: 30.9 grams.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Sterling : Pre 1910 item #1221012
Kensington House Antiques
A delightful sterling silver photograph frame intended to celebrate the arrival of a newborn. Designed by Lebkeucher & Co. (1896-1909), the frame is ornately decorated with storks, song birds and climbing roses. The top border has a reserve for engraving the baby’s name. The bottom border has a reserve for adding the birth date, a clock on which the time of birth can be engraved, and a scale on which the weight may be added. The frame retains its original black composition easel back. Frames of this type were created by other makers well into the 20th century, but very early examples of this quality and with absolutely no prior engraving are exceedingly uncommon. Lebkeucher was especially noted for its ornately engraved wares. The frame has the company’s hallmark and is stamped “Sterling 3187”.

Origin: America, 1896-1909. Condition: excellent, no dings, no monograms. Size: 4-3/8” x 5-3/4”; sight size, 2-7/8 x 4-3/16”. Silver Weight: 61.1 grams.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Bronze : Pre 1920 item #1221005
Kensington House Antiques
A good bronze footed trumpet base by bronze artisan Carl Sorensen. The surface is patinated in a mottled bluish-green shade and is enhanced with bands of parallel engraved lines in a bright copper finish. Most of Sorensen’s vases did not have a foot, and the addition of the small foot—also enhanced with a bright copper edging—adds special appeal. Sorensen is known to have worked in Philadelphia in the first part of the 20th century, making bronze wares in the Arts & Crafts tradition. It is thought that his creations were retailed by both Roycroft and Tiffany. The base is signed “Carl Sorensen” and has his hallmark.

Origin: America, ca. 1910. Condition: excellent, original patina. Size: 6-3/4” tall; 6-1/2” diameter at rim.

All Items : Antiques : Decorative Art : Metals : Silver : Continental : Pre 1900 item #1214512
Kensington House Antiques
A very fine 12-piece set of gilt silver and mother of pearl dessert, fruit or cheese knives presented in their original fitted box. The tapered mother of pearl handles are tipped with silver finials and ferules decorated in a Louis XVI-style ribbon and reed motif. Most similar sets have plated blades, but these are silver. The silver is gilt, a process that is decorative, but also serves to prevent corrosion from the salts in cheeses which were often served in France as a dessert course. The gilding has faded to a very nice, light lemony color. The interior lid of the velvet- and silk-lined box is marked by the maker, “J. Fayard/Fabricant Orfèvre Joaillier/St Etienne”.

Origin: France, ca. 1860. Condition: knives are excellent, no dings, no cracks, normal fading of the gilding; the box shows considerable wear and has a slightly warped lid. Size: 7-1/2” long.