12 Victorian Sterling Silver Demitasse Spoons Boxed Set

A lovely set of twelve sterling silver demitasse spoons presented in their original fitted velvet and silk box. The design features a scroll of acanthus leaves along the stem with an asymmetrical shell at the handle. The backs are stamped “Sterling” (prior to 1915), American silver was not required to bear a maker’s mark. The pattern is nearly identical to Knowles’ “King” pattern. The spoons are presented in their original velvet and silk fitted box from Hamilton & Diesinger of Philadelphia (1895-1900).
- Origin: America, ca. 1895
- Condition: spoons are excellent except one which has a tiny ding right at the tip of the bowl; sharp detail; no monogram; box is functional, but has significant wear. One of the 2 latches is broken at the top of the latch.
- Dimensions: spoons, 3-7/16” long
- Weight: 77.2 grams