French Silver Louis XVIII Burgundian Style Wine Taster Tastevin
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Directory: Antiques: Decorative Art: Metals: Silver: Continental: Pre 1837 VR: Item # 1434451
Directory: Antiques: Decorative Art: Metals: Silver: Continental: Pre 1837 VR: Item # 1434451

French Silver Louis XVIII Burgundian Style Wine Taster Tastevin An unusually heavy first standard (950/1000 pure silver) French tastevin decorated in the classic Burgundian style with punchwork grape clusters and a coiled snake handle. The grapevines are also accented with engraved flowers. The bottom has the center pinpoint found in tastevins from this period and is finished simply with a ring or shallow godrons around the edge to help reflect light through the wine. The snake is engraved with scales and has an unusual arrow-shaped tail. The rim is engraved “A. Chantal” for the original owner. The tastevin has the “tête medecin” mark for silver and the silversmith’s mark for Charles-Marie Guidée (Paris).
French Silver Louis XVIII Burgundian Style Wine Taster Tastevin An unusually heavy first standard (950/1000 pure silver) French tastevin decorated in the classic Burgundian style with punchwork grape clusters and a coiled snake handle. The grapevines are also accented with engraved flowers. The bottom has the center pinpoint found in tastevins from this period and is finished simply with a ring or shallow godrons around the edge to help reflect light through the wine. The snake is engraved with scales and has an unusual arrow-shaped tail. The rim is engraved “A. Chantal” for the original owner. The tastevin has the “tête medecin” mark for silver and the silversmith’s mark for Charles-Marie Guidée (Paris).
- Origin: France, 1819-1838
- Condition: very good, a few small flat areas from 200 years of use
- Dimensions: 3-5/8” x 4-3/4” x 1-5/16”
- Weight: 121.2 grams.