French Burgundian Style Silver Wine Taster Tastevin
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Directory: Antiques: Decorative Art: Metals: Silver: Continental: Pre 1920: Item # 1434519
Directory: Antiques: Decorative Art: Metals: Silver: Continental: Pre 1920: Item # 1434519

An elegant second standard (800/1000 pure silver) French tastevin. Rather than the typical “perles,” "coupules," and fluted “godrons”, the bowl is decorated with repousse grape leaves and berries in the 18th century style. This treatment is sometimes seen in tastevins made by Marc Parrod, one of the most influential makers of tastevins in the early 20th century. The handle is in the traditional form of two entwined duck-headed snakes grasping an apple in their mouths, thought to represent the snake and apple from the Garden of Evil, thus reminding drinkers of temptation and sin. The tastevin is fully hallmarked and has an illegible maker’s mark, possibly Parrod's.
An elegant second standard (800/1000 pure silver) French tastevin. Rather than the typical “perles,” "coupules," and fluted “godrons”, the bowl is decorated with repousse grape leaves and berries in the 18th century style. This treatment is sometimes seen in tastevins made by Marc Parrod, one of the most influential makers of tastevins in the early 20th century. The handle is in the traditional form of two entwined duck-headed snakes grasping an apple in their mouths, thought to represent the snake and apple from the Garden of Evil, thus reminding drinkers of temptation and sin. The tastevin is fully hallmarked and has an illegible maker’s mark, possibly Parrod's.
- Origin: France, ca. 1910
- Condition: excellent, sharp detail
- Dimensions: 3-5/16” x 4-1/4” x 15/16”
- Weight: 55.3 grams