French Silver Burgundian Snake-Handled Wine Taster Tastevin
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Directory: Vintage Arts: Decorative Art: Metals: Silver: Continental: Pre 1940: Item # 1498758
Directory: Vintage Arts: Decorative Art: Metals: Silver: Continental: Pre 1940: Item # 1498758

A classic Burgundian first standard (950/1000 pure silver) tastevin. The bowl is enhanced with repousse decoration of grapevines, leaves and fruit. The bottom is left unadorned in a style usually reserved for judging white wines. The tastevin is finished with a classic handle in the form of two entwined snakes grasping an apple in their jaws. This design is to represent the serpent from the Garden of Evil as a reminder that wine may lead to earthly temptation. The handle is stamped with French first standard silver marks.
- Origin: France, ca. 1930
- Condition: excellent, no dings
- Dimensions: 3” x 4” x 13/16”
- Weight: 58.7 grams