French First Standard Silver Tastevin Wine Taster
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Directory: Vintage Arts: Decorative Art: Metals: Silver: Continental: Pre 1940: Item # 1498759
Directory: Vintage Arts: Decorative Art: Metals: Silver: Continental: Pre 1940: Item # 1498759

An early 20th century first standard (950/100 pure) silver tastevin decorated in the traditional Burgundian style with a coiled snake handle and appliques depicting vines of grapes and foliage along the sides. Applique decoration is uncommon, and this is a particularly nice example. The bowl is decorated with elongated cupules along one side for use in judging white wines and with large recessed cupules and raised perles for reds. Snake handles are thought to have represented the Garden of Eden and the temptations brought on by wine. The bottom is marked with an unidentified silversmith’s mark and with French first standard guarantee marks.
- Origin: France, ca. 1930
- Condition: excellent
- Dimensions: 3” x 4”
- Weight: 101.0 grams